About Us
Established in 1954, the Camrose and District Craft Centre is volunteer-run organization offering classes and studio time for ceramics, woodworking, and weaving.
We provide a facility where members can access essential equipment to develop new skills. Maybe even more importantly, the studio is also a social hub for adults to learn and connect through creativity and craft.
Through the effort of many volunteers we are able to participate in and provide a warm and welcoming community culture that keeps prices affordable and encourages students to explore new skills.
The Craft Centre has an annual craft sale allowing and facilitating members to exhibit and market their pieces and for our community to view and purchase art made by our local ceramic, weaving, and woodworking artisans at every level in their respective craft.
As a registered Canadian Charity (Registration #889905378 RR 0001), the Camrose & District Craft Centre may provide charitable donation receipts for eligible donations should you wish to contribute and assist the Centre with equipment, programming, and/or operational costs. Please contact us, should you be interested in making a donation.
The Camrose & District Craft Centre is dedicated to provide facilities, equipment, and instruction for the development of craftmanship in the community.
Our Studio
The Camrose & District Craft Centre is located on the 4th floor of the Bethany Heritage Building at 4612 53 St, Camrose, Alberta.
Please note the Craft Centre is a volunteer run and therefore there are no office hours and access limited to members accessing their classes.
* Visits by appointment only *